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10.9. Files

The idea of organizing and storing data as a file is one of the oldest abstractions in computing, with references to files dating back to the earliest computers in the 1940s. From the perspective of C and the UNIX OS tradition, a file is just a sequence of bytes. Chapter 2 explores the implications of this definition in further detail, such as the fact that not all files exist on persistent storage devices and not all files have names. In this Appendix, for simplicity, we will adopt the conventional interpretation of a file stored on a device, such as a hard drive or a USB-attached device.

10.9.1. File Permissions and Ownership

When a file is stored, there is a certain amount of information—called metadata—that is stored alongside the file’s contents. Metadata is stored in a data structure called an inode, as discussed in Chapter 2. The inode contains a number of fields, one of which is the files permission mode. The permission mode indicates which actions (read, write, or execute) can be performed on a file by a particular user. These permission modes are commonly written as three octal values to specify permissions for the user (the owner of the file), the group (a pre-defined set of users), or others (everyone else). For each octal value, 4 (binary 100) indicates read permission, 2 (010) is write, and 1 (001) is execute. Setting one of these bits to 0 removes that permission.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <sys/stat.h>

int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);
Change the permissions associated with a file.
int fchmod(int fildes, mode_t mode);
Change the permissions associated with an open file given its file descriptor.

The chmod() and fchmod() functions, which can only be used by the owner of a particular file, provide an interface to change the permissions on a file. The first argument specifies which file, either by the standard file name (path) or using a file descriptor (filedes). The mode argument is the new permission bit mask to apply. Although the mode_t type is just an integer (e.g., 493), these numbers are written in their octal equivalent (0755). (The leading 0 is required to indicate octal format.) Among the three digits, the first applies to the user, the second to the group, and the third to others.

/* Code Listing A.58:
   Changing two files' permissions within a program

/* Everyone has read access, user also has write */
chmod ("data.txt", 0644);

/* User and group can execute the Python script, and the user can
   modify (write) it; others have no access */
chmod ("script.py", 0750);

/* Restrict access to a private directory */
chmod ("/home/csf/private_files", 0700);

Code Listing A.58 changes the permissions on three files using the chmod() function. The bit mask on line 6 (0644) indicates that the user will have read and write permission (applying the bit-wise OR operator, 4 | 2 = 6), while the group and other have only read permission. Line 10 gives the user all permissions (4 | 2 | 1 = 7, meaning read, write, and execute), whereas the group only has read and execute (4 | 1 = 5). Line 13 changes the permission on a directory—a special file that “contains” other files (explained below). Directories in the UNIX tradition are the equivalent of folders in the Windows family of operating systems. The permissions here give the user full access to the directory, but the group and others are blocked out. These operations can also be performed on the command line as follows (note that the chmod utility is a C program that calls chmod() internally!). The ls -ld command displays the permissions at the first part of the file, in a format rwxrwxrwx for the three octal values (- indicates that permission is not set).

$ chmod 644 data.txt
$ chmod 750 script.py
$ chmod 700 /home/csf/private_files
$ ls -ld data.txt script.py /home/csf/private
-rw-r--r--  1 csf  staff  8528 Jul 31 23:20 data.txt
-rwxr-x---  1 csf  staff   440 Jul 31 23:20 script.py
drwx------ 11 csf  staff   352 Jul 31 23:20 /home/csf/private
Decorative note icon


The permission bits—particularly read and execute—are not as intuitive as their names suggest. For instance, why is the read bit required to run the script.py Python script? As a piece of code, the goal is to run—i.e., execute—it. Similarly, what does it mean to “execute” a directory? The interpretation of these bits requires considering the type of file in a greater context.

For normal files (i.e., non-directories), the read bit indicates that a running process can open the file and copy its contents into memory. In the case of scripting languages like Python, it is important to understand that the process that is running is not executing the script.py code. It can’t, because to “execute” code means that the CPU is performing machine-language instructions; Python code is not machine language, because it is not compiled. Rather, the process is running the Python interpreter (typically stored in a location like /usr/bin/python). The read permission bit gives the Python interpreter access to read in script.py as text data. The interpreter then simulates the execution of the program. For performance reasons, the interpreter might compile parts of the script into machine language using just-in-time compilation, but that is not necessary.

So if Python only needs to read the file, what is the purpose of setting the execute bit on script.py? In truth—and somewhat ironically—the execute bit does not indicate that script.py can be executed. The execute bit on files declares that the file should be found as an executable within the $PATH environment variable—a list of locations to search for executables—that the shell (bash) uses. When you type a command, bash searches through the locations listed in the $PATH for the first match of that command name that has the execute bit set. To start the process, bash looks into the file contents to look at the first line of the program. In the case of scripts like script.py, the first line contains a shebang operator that indicates the location of the interpreter that is needed:


Consequently, executing a Python script requires the execute bit to add it to the $PATH that is searched, but requires the read bit for the program to actually run.

The execute bit on directories is also frequently misunderstood, primarily because the bit is misnamed for directories. A directory is not a piece of code that can be run (executed). Instead, reading a directory is defined as listing its contents, whereas the execute bit allows the user to enter or pass through the directory. For instance, consider the following file name (storing a cryptographic key that can be used to log into a remote email service), based on the permissions above:


Code Listing A.58 set 0700 permissions for the /home/csf/private. The read bit allows the user to list the file contents (using the ls command, for instance). However, accessing those files or the subdirectories requires the execute bit. Since the group and others have no permissions, no one else can get access to the keys subdirectory, because doing so requires passing through private. Since the read and execute actions are distinct, the bits can be set independently. Setting a directory to 0444 would allow everyone to see the names of files in the directory, but no one could access any of them or access any subdirectories. On the other hand, setting the directory to 0111 would give everyone access to the files and subdirectories…if they already knew the name; these permissions would not allow anyone to list the directory contents to see the names of the files.

For completeness, writing to a directory means adding or removing files. When you save a new file into a directory, you are writing to the directory by adding an entry. When you delete a file, you are also writing by removing the entry. It is important to note that these operations are changes to the directory, not the file itself. To be precise, this means that you do not have to own a file in order to delete it. When you are deleting a file, you are not writing to it; you are writing to the directory. As such, if you have data that is important and should never be deleted, you should not place it in a directory that others can write to.

The access() function provides an interface to check a file’s permissions before trying to access it. As with the chmod() function, the first parameter specifies the name of the file being checked. The mode parameter is not the same as the mode_t type used above, because access() is only checking the permissions for the current user. Furthermore, access() can check more than just the standard read, write, and execute bits, so this mode does not follow the same octal structure.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <unistd.h>

int access(const char *path, int mode);
Check for permission to access the specified file.

Code Listing A.59 uses access() to determine if a file is readable. Intuitively, the R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK arguments (which can be successfully combined with bit-wise OR) check for read, write, and execute permissions. The F_OK argument could be used to check just if the file exists, regardless of the other access permissions. Different systems also support additional values that could allow the user to check if a file can be deleted, if the user can change its permissions, and so forth; these options are system-specific, though, and are not widely used.

/* Code Listing A.59:
   Checking for read permission to access a file

/* Check for permission */
if (access ("data.txt", R_OK) != 0)
    /* Access failed, so check global errno to determine why.
       Requires including <errno.h> */
    if (errno == EACCES)
      printf ("Access denied\n");
      printf ("Access failed for other error\n");
  printf ("Access granted\n");

The unistd.h header file provides additional functions that are relevant to the discussion of access permissions. The chown() and fchown() functions provide interfaces to change which user or group is considered the file’s owner. These functions are generally restricted in certain ways; clearly, it would not be advisable to allow a random user to take over another’s files by changing their ownership. Some systems allow users to run these functions only on files that they own, whereas others restrict access to these functions to system adminstrators.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <unistd.h>

int chown(const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
Change the ownership of a file path.
int fchown(int fildes, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
Change the ownership of a file specified by a file descriptor.

The getuid(), geteuid(), getgid(), and getegid() functions are not about files, per se, but they are relevant to the current discussion. These functions get information about the current process that is executing. Whenever you run a program, you create a process; the process inherits a specified user ID and group ID that control the process’s access. Consequently, when the previous examples referred to checking the “user’s” access to a file, this check is based on the user ID associated with the process executing this code.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <unistd.h>

uid_t getuid(void);
Gets the real user ID of the calling process.
uid_t geteuid(void);
Gets the effective user ID of the calling process.
gid_t getgid(void);
Gets the real group ID of the calling process.
gid_t getegid(void);
Gets the effective group ID of the calling process.

The functions below make a distinction between the real user and the effective user. (All of the points here also apply to the real group and effective group; we only mention the user for brevity.) The real user is the ID of the account that initiated the creation of the process, whereas the effective user is the one attached to the process as it runs; these IDs are typically the same, but they do not have to be. Functions that check permissions, such as access(), generally use the effective user ID, though there are exceptions where the real user ID can also influence access decisions.

As an example of the distinction between the real and effective user, consider an executable file with the SETUID bit set (see Chapter 2); this bit sets the process’s effective user ID to be the user ID of the executable file’s owner, rather than the user who ran the command. One common use of this is to have the SETUID bit set on a file owned by the administrative (root) account; the process that runs will then have full access to the system, as it is running as root rather than a restricted user account. This technique is how a login program can run to check a user’s password against the full password list, but the user does not have direct access to the password file.

Another example of the real vs. user distinction can be manually created with the su command. Contrary to a common belief, su does not necessarily mean “super user” (a common term for root); rather, su means substitute user. Running a command with su will change the effective user ID of the process, even if the SETUID bit is not set. For example, the following command line would run the ls command based on the csf username [1], rather than the default user typing the command. Consequently, the permission checks (to determine if the process is allowed to list the current directory’s file contents) are based on the csf username, not the actual user.

$ su csf ls -ltr

10.9.2. Persistent Storage

Chapter 2 covers most of the details about working with files, such as reading from and writing to them. That section, however, uses a broader definition of files than this part of the Appendix. Here, we are focusing just on files in the traditional, common sense; i.e., those that are persistently stored on a device such as a hard drive. The storage techniques used for these files raise particular issues that are beneficial to understand for systems programming.

The first issue, which we have already discussed, is that of metadata. When a file is stored, the metadata is stored in an inode structure. It is important to realize two facts: 1) the inode—not the contents—actually defines the file, and 2) the inode is stored separately from the contents. In other words, the inode—which is stored on the device—contains information to identify other blocks of data on the device that store the file’s contents. When a file is modified, the new contents may be written to the existing blocks, but maybe not. The new contents may be written to different blocks, and the inode is simply changed to point to these new blocks; the old content blocks are still present on the device, the inode just doesn’t point to them anymore. Similarly, when a file is deleted, the content blocks are not necessarily destroyed; just the inode is deleted (in fact, that’s not even entirely true, as we will describe in relation to directories).

When a file is in use (such as when you are editing a source code file in a text editor), all of the file contents exist in memory. Generally speaking, you are not directly interfacing with the file stored on disk; compared to accessing a copy in memory, accessing the stored copy would be horrendously slow. As you modify the file, the version in memory and the original stored copy become different. The unistd.h header file defines three key functions for fixing this. The ftruncate() and trunctate() functions are used to resize [2] the file’s in-memory representation; for instance, if you delete a large chunk of your program’s code, the text editor may run truncate() to reduce the memory allocated for it.

These changes are not automatically propagated to the inode stored on the device. This update typically (the details depend on the OS and the file system in use) only occurs when the file is closed or when the process calls fsync(). The fsync() function—which is run when you save a file—writes the contents to the storage device and updates the stored inode accordingly.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <unistd.h>

int fsync(int fildes);
Synchronize the in-memory file contents with persistent storage.
int ftruncate(int fildes, off_t length);
Truncate or extend a file size to the specified length.
int truncate(const char *path, off_t length);
Truncate or extend a file size to the specified length.

10.9.4. Advisory Locks

When concurrent software is working with files, there is the danger that multiple processes or threads might try to access or modify an existing file at the same time. This situation would allow one process or thread to change the file’s contents in ways that can cause errors in the other process or thread. Different OS and file systems provide a variety of mechanisms to prevent this from happening; as these approaches can vary between systems, it can be difficult to rely on them for cross-platform software. One mechanism that generally has cross-platform support is the use of advisory locks, which provide a mechanism for cooperating processes to try to avoid this situation. In essence, an advisory lock allows a process to check if another process has already locked the file; if so, the new process can wait until the first process is finished. As the name implies, though, these are advisory in nature; the new process can still proceed regardless of the first process’s claim.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <sys/file.h>

int flock(int fd, int operation);
Apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file.

The flock() function provides one mechanism to create an advisory lock on a file. Unlike some of the previous functions we have described, flock() only works with file descriptors (see Chapter 2), not path names. That is, the process must have access to the file and must have already successfully opened it. Code Listing A.60 demonstrates the use of flock(). (Note that this code relies on fork() and open(), which are explained in Chapter 2. Advisory locks are not a critical topic for the main chapter and are provided here for reference after that chapter has been completed.)

/* Code Listing A.60:
   Setting an advisory lock on a file using the flock() interface

/* Create a child process and race to get the file */
pid_t child = fork ();
assert (child >= 0);

/* Both parent and child will open the file */
int fd = open ("movies.csv", O_RDWR);
assert (fd > 0);

/* Only one will succeed in locking it */
if (flock (fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) == 0)
  printf ("Successfully locked file\n");
  printf ("Failed to lock\n");
close (fd);

/* Add a slight pause to observe the locking */
sleep (2);

The LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB argument specifies that this process is requesting exclusive (LOCK_EX) access to the file (only one access at a time) and flock() should run in non-blocking mode (LOCK_NB). The default behavior of flock() is to cause current process to wait (block) if another process already has exclusive access. In non-blocking mode, flock() returns a non-zero value to indicate that the current process failed to acquire the lock. The process can then proceed to other work that may be necessary and try to acquire the lock at a later time. The call to sleep() on line 21 is included in this example to create a slight pause in both processes. That is, without this sleep(), it is possible that one process would run, acquire the lock, and exit (releasing the lock) before the other process had a chance to try for access. Including line 21 makes such timing unlikely, increasing the likelihood that the reader can observe the effects of the failed lock when running this code.

In the preceding discussion, we mentioned that advisory locks allow cooperating processes to coordinate their work. To be precise, two processes are cooperating in this sense only if they originate from the same original process. That is, the process specifically uses fork() to create at least one child process. Running the same program multiple times does not create cooperating processes; these processes would not recognize each other’s claims to locking the file.

Decorative bug warning

Bug Warning

Although it is generally cross-platform, flock() does not successfully create advisory locks on macOS. For code that truly needs to be cross-platform, fcntl() is the required interface for advisory locks. The primary disadvantage of fcntl() is that it is an older, generic interface for many different operations on files. Advisory locks are just one of the possible operations.

Decorative C library image

C library functions – <fcntl.h>

int fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
Perform an operation on a file descriptor.

Code Listing A.61 demonstrates the fcntl() interface for creating an advisory lock. On lines 19 and 26, the F_SETLK argument tells fcntl() that the process is trying to set or release a lock; the struct reference passed as the third argument distinguishes between these two actions. Specifically, setting the struct’s l_type field to F_WRLCK indicates the process is requesting a lock for writing to the file; locking the file for reading would require also setting the F_RDLCK bit in this field. Setting the l_type field to F_UNLCK and calling fcntl() again releases the lock on the file.

/* Code Listing A.61:
   Setting an advisory lock on a file using the fcntl() interface

/* Create a child process then race to get the file */
pid_t child = fork ();
assert (child >= 0);

/* Both parent and child will open the file */
int fd = open ("movies.csv", O_RDWR);
assert (fd > 0);

/* Initialize the lock for writing */
struct flock lock;
memset (&lock, 0, sizeof(lock));
lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;

/* Only one will succeed in locking it */
if (fcntl (fd, F_SETLK, &lock) == 0)
    printf ("Successfully locked file\n");
    /* Add a slight pause to observe the locking */
    sleep (2);
    /* Now release the lock */
    lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    fcntl (fd, F_SETLK, &lock);
  printf ("Failed to lock\n");

close (fd);
[1]In the UNIX tradition, username refers to the human-readable identifier that user can remember and use easily. Internally, all usernames are mapped to a user ID, which is just an integer value.
[2]These functions are poorly named. The standard definition of the word “truncate” means to reduce the size of something. However, the C truncate() function can also be used to increase the file’s size.
[3]Typical storage devices organize the device into what is essentially a gigantic array of fixed-size blocks. While the details are more complicated than this, it is sufficient for our purposes to think of accessing a block just as we would index an array.
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