Class Prep 7

This course includes a lot of hands-on, in-class activities. These activities assume that you have completed the associated preps before coming to class.


  1. FunWebDev Chapter 8.8-8.9 (Functions and closures)
  2. FunWebDev Chapter 9.3.3-9.4 (Events and event types)
  3. FunWebDev Chapter 10.1 (Array Functions)


Your goal is to take information from a form (based on knowledge from previous readings) to modify a page's elements and DOM.

Start by downloading this template file.

The user should be able to change the background color:

And also add items to a list:


In between the script tags, add JavaScript code so that:

  1. When the “Change background” button is clicked:
    • It sets the background color of body to the color specified in the form
    • You may set an inline style to accomplish this (using the style property of an element)
  2. When the “Add item” button is clicked:
    • You create a new <li> item with textContent set to the value of the text field.
    • You append this new item as a child to the <ul> list.

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