Array Functions

In this lab, you will use JavaScript array functions (forEach, map, and filter) to search within an array of movie data entries.

You should consult the following references as needed.

Starting Code

Start by downloading and extracting the source code in this ZIP file:

There are three source code files there: index.html, data.json, and funs.js. You will only modify the code in funs.js.

Step 1: Initialization functions

Your first step is to populate an unordered list based on an array of objects. The data.json file contains an array of movie objects based on real data retrieved from IMDb. Each entry in this array has the following fields:

A unique identifier for the movie
The name of the movie
The IMDb rating based on user votes (range from 0 to 10)
The runtime of the movie as measured in minutes
The year the movie was released

Your first task is to define the setTitleContent function that modifies a movie object by copying the movie's title into a new field called textContent. (Later functions will modify this new field further.) Note that this function will be used within a call to map, so it will need to return the modified movie object.

Once you've got setTitleContent working, you will create a self-executing initialization function where indicated. Some parts of this code are provided for convenience. Your main task here is to use fetch to retrieve the data from data.json.

Once you've retrieved the data and parsed it as JSON, you will use map (on setTitleContent) and forEach (using buildItem) to build an HTML list dynamically. Note that buildItem relies on the movie's textContent field that you add in setTitleContent.

Do NOT use any form of loop (such as a for-each loop) for this lab. The purpose is to work with the array functions only.

The original data set has over 100 movies in it. For this stage, you will just use the first 10 records. Your generated list should look like the one in this screenshot.

In the provided source code, there are hard-coded hostname and url variables that your call to fetch will use. Note that your code will not actually access the data.json file you retrieved. CORS (a security mechanism we will discuss in a few weeks) prevents using fetch with a local file, so it must retrieve the data from a web server over HTTP.

Step 2: Chaining map calls

Your next task is to implement three more functions to append the year, runtime, and rating values to the movie's textContent field. Extend your initialization function so that these functions are chained together using a sequence of map calls.

A completed version of this step will produce output such as that shown in this screenshot. Note that the only observable difference here is the additional fields in the list item.

Step 3: Queries and filters

Your final task is to implement a group of functions for setting minimum or maximum criteria to filter the data set based on particular values. You'll start by implementing setMinRating and the related functions. These functions will return a closure that will return a Boolean value (true or false) based on whether a movie would satisfy the condition. Once you've complete this function, you cam complete the others that serve similar purposes for year and runtime.

First, note that you need to use parseInt and parseFloat on the fields that you get from the movie objects. These fields are originally strings, so you cannot do a basic > or < comparisons. Also make sure that you are returning these comparisons as closures (i.e., return an arrow function) rather than trying to return true or false itself.

Finally, amend your initialization function to filter results. If the query string is empty (i.e., query is undefined), then you should continue to display the first 10 movies. However, if there is a query, you'll need to get the appropriate minimum or maximum values. For simplicity, the provided code splits the query string into an array of criteria, such as minrating=8.2.

The navigation menu at the top of the page contains some embedded query strings for testing purposes. Your results should match those shown in the following screenshots:


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