CSS Basics

In this lab, you will use CSS to make a page look better. Specifically, you will create multiple CSS files that progressively add better aesthetics to a provided HTML file. These CSS files will be added incrementally to the HTML files to layer on improved spacing, colors & borders, and a customized navigation menu.

All code must validate cleanly (no errors or warnings) through the standard validation tools listed below. You must resolve all errors and warnings before submission. For individual CSS properties, please refer to the MDN reference list.


This lab requires working with CSS to specify very exact values. The test cases provide some small amount of variation, but you should not just guess at the values required. All test cases assume as 1280x720 layout dimension. The links to "this layout" go to a top and bottom image that were generated using Firefox's responsive design mode tool to specify these exact dimensions. You are encouraged to use this tool as well.

Note that there are some natural variations that cannot be controlled. Specifically, the system fonts used to generate these images may differ from the fonts on your machine slightly. There is no easy way to avoid this. However, if you pay close attention to the annotated version of the layouts, you should be okay. In particular, pay attention to the units implied. You should know when to use 10%, 10vw, 10px, or other such units.

Starting Code

Download the following files to get started:

Generally speaking, you will not be able to make any changes to the HTML file except to include a CSS file. All visual changes must be controlled by CSS only. All CSS rules are based solely on elements, not ID or class.

Throughout this lab, you will need to use certain color values that we refer to by name. This colors consist of the following RGB values:

  • #450084 - indigo
  • #dacce6 - thistle
  • #dedede - gainsboro
  • #dfd2aa - wheat
  • #f4efe1 - oldlace
  • #f2f2f2 - whitesmoke

Step 0: Linking to CSS

Edit the index.html file to include the styles.css stylesheet. Then edit styles.css to add a minimal rule set:

  • Make the <body> element use a serif font by default.
  • Make <h1> and <h2> elements use sans-serif.

The provided styles.css includes the rules necessary. You just need to provide the values. After you do this, your page should look like this layout. You can also see specific values mentioned in this annotated version.

Step 1: Spacing

Copy index.html as spaces.html and create a new spaces.css file. Change spaces.html so that it only links to spaces.css. However, your page must still use the same color schemes from above. To do this, you can tell spaces.css to include styles.css:

@import 'styles.css';

Your task in this step is to define element rules to add spacing throughout the page. Modify spaces.css to define rules that use only the following CSS properties (or variations, such as margin-top, padding-left, etc.):

  • margin
  • padding
  • vertical-align
  • width

Add rules for the <h1>, <h2>, <header>, <main>, <nav>, <p>, and <section> tags to create this layout. Your solution may have slight variations, but it must satisfy all the constraints in this annotated version. Unless specified otherwise, spacing should be in terms of the viewport height and width, with values at least 1% of the viewport dimension. (Note that you can use 0px to refer to any spacing that needs to be zero.)

In the rules for <main> and <nav>, add the rule display: inline-block;. (We will discuss this property next week.)

Step 2: Colors

Copy spaces.html as colors.html and create a new colors.css file. Change colors.html to add a link to colors.css (still also linking to spaces.css).

Your next task is to define element rules to add borders and colors throughout the page. For this step, you will modify colors.css and you may only use the spacing rules from above and the following additional CSS properties and their variations:

  • background
  • border
  • color

Add rules for the <header> and <section> tags to create this layout. As before, your solution may have some variation but you must satisfy all the constraints in this annotated version. The borders specified must be at least 2 pixels wide. Note that the curved corners are created by using the border-radius property.

To make the page look truly correct, you will need to add a rule for <body> to set its margin to 0. Otherwise, you may see a bit of the background color around the header.

You should reuse the spacing values from the first step rather than repeating them here. In this step, you will only need to use spacing to make sure that the header covers the full width and top of page.

Step 3: Customized Navigation Menu

Copy colors.html as navs.html and create a new navs.css file. Change navs.html to add a link to navs.css (still also linking to spaces.css and colors.css).

Your final task is to specify custom rules to the navigation menu on the left part of the page. For this step, you will modify navs.css. You must use some descendent or child selectors so that you do not change elements outside of the navigation. For this step, you will need the following CSS properties (in addition to ones mentioned previously):

  • font-weight
  • list-style-type
  • text-align

Add rules for the elements within the <nav> structure to create this layout. You must satisfy all the constraints in this annotated version. Make sure that your rules apply only to the specified element. In particular, be sure to distinguish between the list (<ul>), list item (<li>), and link (<a>) elements.


When you are finished, submit your index.html and all four CSS files to Gradescope.

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