Card Builder and Viewer

In this lab, you will use forms and JavaScript to create an invitation card based on information contained in a form.

For individual JavaScript properties, please refer to the MDN reference list.

Starting Code

Start by extracting provided source code and opening the files in your preferred text editor:

Background material

For this lab, you'll be working with forms and various event listeners. As an example, consider the following form:

<form id="my-form">
  <input type="text" name="data">
  <input type="hidden" name="hidden-data" value="here I am">

You can retrieve and set values for this field as follows:

let form = document.querySelector('#my-form');
// prints the text field's value:
// sets the hidden-data's value:
form['hidden-data'].value = 42;

You'll also need to add some event listeners to various elements. We're also going to make use of an HTML feature that lets you specify your own cutoms attributes. Consider the following element:

<p id="para" data-custom="something">Lorum ipsem</p>

The data-custom isn't a real HTML attribute. Rather, any attribute that begins with data- is defined by the specific application. You can access the value of this attribute when the paragraph is clicked as follows:

let p = document.querySelector('#para');
p.addEventListener('click', ev => {

Lastly, this lab involves using a lightweight version of modals based on Bootstrap's implementation. You can show or hide the modal by adding or removing the show class to the modal's classList.


Step 1: Update the card preview

The createcard.js file contains stub code for a few functions. Start with updateField. When one of the text fields in the form shown changes, this function will be called to update the corresponding field in the preview area. For instance, updating the form's host field will update the preview-host field.

Next, add event listeners to each of the fields within the preview-form. The text fields will use a keyup event while the date field will use a change event. When these events occur, call updateField with the field name as an argument.

Now, add an event listener to the reset-btn to call defaultPreview when clicked. This function should restore the original values in the preview-form as defined in the HTML file.

Step 2: Update the guest name

The HTML page includes a list of guests that have been invited. When one of these list item's is clicked, call previewCard to update the name in the preview. For each of the list items' click event listener, use the event target's id to find the user from the userList array.

Step 3: Using the modal

Each of the invited guest list items has an Edit button. When this button is clicked, launch the modal by adding the show class to its classList.

Once the modal is shown, create the two text fields and one hidden field in the form. Add the <div> for invalid feedback below the short-name input. Also create a submit button with no ID.

Now complete the edit button event listener to update the modal form based on the user whose button was clicked. Specifically, the button contains a data-user attribute with the guest's name. Use this to find the user in the userList array. Update the modal's form so that the current fullName and shortName are put into the text boxes. Also store the shortName in the form's hidden field. Be sure to use stopPropagation to prevent the click event from also firing for the list item.

When the button is clicked or the user presses enter, get the information from the modal's form and update the user in the userList. Then hide the modal.

Going further

Currently, updating the user's name doesn't update their name in the invitation list. Extend the form submit event listener to update this value.

There's also a button to add a user to the invitation list. Add an event listener to this button to bring up the modal. Once the save-user button is clicked, add this person to the userList array and add a new item to the invitation list.


When you are finished, submit to Gradescope.

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© 2011-2025 Michael S. Kirkpatrick.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.