Class Prep 5

This course includes a lot of hands-on, in-class activities. These activities assume that you have completed the associated preps before coming to class.


  1. FunWebDev Chapter 4.5, 4.8.2 (The Cascade and CSS Variables).
  2. FunWebDev Chapter 7.1 (CSS Layout).
  3. FunWebDev Chapter 9.2 (Modifying the DOM)


We have some fun exercises this week that will let you practice your CSS selector skills and DOM manipulation! Complete both the CSS Diner and the JSChallenger activities.

CSS Diner

Complete levels 1-14 of CSS Diner.

When you’re done, open the menu in the upper-right and submit a screenshot showing you have completed the first 14 levels.


Complete the following DOM manipulation problems from JSChallenger. You do not need to make an account, nor should you purchase a premium membership.

Submit a screenshot of this page, showing that you have completed the challenges in each category.

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