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Mar 05: Review Weeks 1–7

Learning Objectives

After today's class, you should be able to:

  • Summarize the types of questions that will be asked on the midterm.
  • Practice writing and answering questions based on homeworks 1–6.


Lesson Outline

HW6 Q&A [15 min]

  • Review of set operations
  • Review of subqueries
    • Purpose of DISTINCT

Review [15 min]

Activity [45 min]

  • Instructor: give feedback on HW2 and HW3
  • Students: write exam questions & answers
    • Each team assigned a row of the table below
    • Your Q&A will be shared with the other class!

Midterm Outline

Question Points Homework Readings Class Days
1. Short answer 10 HW4 (create) 1.11.5, 2.12.5 Jan 18, Feb 13
2. Short answer 10 N/A 3.8 Feb 29
3. EER diagram 15 HW1 and HW2 4.14.6, 11.111.3 Jan 23, Jan 25
4. Relational DB 15 HW3 (Workbench) 4.74.9, 11.411.6 Feb 01, Feb 08
5. INS/UPD/DEL 12.5 HW4 (modify) 2.62.8, 2.92.12 Feb 15, Jan 30
6. SELECT 12.5 HW5 (aggregation) 3.13.3 Feb 20
7. SELECT 12.5 HW6 (join/union) 3.43.5 Feb 22
8. SELECT 12.5 HW6 (subquery) 3.63.7 Feb 27


  • Question 3 will require Chen attribute ovals and Crow's foot connectors.
    • Similar to the EER Quiz we did in class on Jan 30.
    • The exam will include a diagram key you can use.
  • Question 4 will just require arrows from PK to FK, with keys underlined.
    • You will also need to write PK, FK, and NOT NULL next to columns.
  • The only database we will use for Questions 5–7 queries will be air.
    • We will provide you with the diagram (you don't need to memorize).

Not on the exam:

  • 3.9 Relational algebra
  • 4.104.12 3NF and BCNF
  • Command-line tools / setup
  • SQLite / MySQL / Postgres

Your To-Do List

  • Finish and submit Homework 6
  • Study for the midterm exam