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Feb 29: Query Optimization

Learning Objectives

After today's class, you should be able to:

  • Summarize what information is stored in the system catalogs.
  • Explain differences between a TABLE, a VIEW, and an INDEX.
  • Describe how query optimization works based on selectivity.

Lesson Outline

HW6 [10 min]

Part 1 [35 min]

Part 2 [30 min]

Your To-Do List

  • Finish reading zyBook sections 3.53.9
  • Before the weekend, finish 40% of Homework 6
    • 2+ queries from air
    • 2+ queries from jmudb
  • Before Tuesday, finish 80% of Homework 6
    • That means you should have at least 8 queries working
    • Or you could have 6 queries working and 4 half working