Unless otherwise noted, all readings are from Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics, 2nd Edition. Gregory Dudek and Michael Jenkin. Readings followed by (S) are supplemental. You should read them, but you won't be tested on that material.
Readings labeled "GIR" are from A Gentle Introduction to ROS. Jason M. O'Kane. 2014.
All assignments are due on 5:00PM on the date indicated.
1 | 01-14 | Introduction (.pdf) LAB 1 - Turtlebot Test Drive |
CH 1 About ROS |
01-16 | LAB 2 - Nodes/Topics | Syllabus GIR 2.1-2.2 (s) GIR 2.3-2.7 ROS Concepts (s) |
2 | 01-21 | SNOW DAY | ||
01-23 | LAB 3 - Python Nodes | Unix Tutorial http://www.learnpython.org/ (through Modules and Packages, skip Classes and Objects) Python Code Academy (lesson 19) ROS Tutorials 12 and 13 |
3 | 01-28 | Subversion LAB 4 - Launch Files |
Subversion Overview ROS Tutorials 7 & 8 |
01-30 | PID slides (.pdf) pid.py pid_demo.py LAB 5 - PID Controllers |
CH. 3-3.1.3 Wikipedia: PID Controllers 1-3 Services and Parameters Tutorial Using parameters in rospy |
4 | 02-04 | Kinematics transforms.py |
Appendix B.1-B.2 CH 3.1.8 Introduction to Homogeneous Transformations & Robot Kinematics Linear Algebra Video (s) |
PA1 (Monday 2/3, 5:00PM) |
02-06 | Lab 6 - tf | Intro. to Numpy and Scipy (.pdf) (p 1-11, 16-17) Video about tf tf Overview page |
5 | 02-11 | ASSESSMENT DAY | HW1 (.pdf) (Due 4/11 5PM) kinematics_hw.tex kinematics_hw.py |
02-13 | Bayes' Rule (.pdf) SNOW DAY |
Appendix A.1 CH 9.0, 9.2.1 Learning Occupancy Grid Maps with Forward Sensor Models (section 2) |
6 | 02-18 | Lab 6 - Turtlebot Mapping and Navigation | HW2 (Due 2/19 5PM) |
02-20 | The Kalman Filter (.pdf) kalman.py kalman_demo.py plot_gaussians.py |
Appendix A.2 Skim CH 4-4.8 CH 4.9-4.9.1 |
7 | 02-25 | Bayesian State Estimation | CH 4.9.2-4.9.3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_Bayesian_estimation (s) |
Final Project Proposals (2/24 5PM) |
02-27 | Work Day | |||
8 | 03-04 | Particle Filters + SLAM | CH 4.9.4 CH 9.2.2-9.2.3 Particle Filter Explained without Equations |
PA2 (Due 3/03 5PM) |
03-06 | MIDTERM | |||
9 | 03-11 | SPRING BREAK | ||
03-13 | SPRING BREAK | |||
10 | 03-18 | Computer Vision Vision Lab 1 |
CH 5-5.1.0, Skim 5.1.1-end Python OpenCV Intro OpenCV images OpenCV Video OpenCV Drawing OpenCV Basic Operations OpenCV Arithmetic Operations |
03-20 | Computer Vision (.pdf) Vision Lab 2 |
11 | 03-25 | Configuration Spaces | CH 6-6.3.2 Configuration Space Visualization |
Deliverable 1 (3/24 5PM) |
03-27 | Discrete Path Planning | CH 6.3.3 Thrun A* Videos 12-14, 20, 23 |
12 | 04-01 | Work Day | HW3 (4/03 5PM) | |
04-03 | Continuous State Planning Discussion Questions (.pdf) |
RRT Overview Transition Based RRT Paper (full pdf) |
13 | 04-08 | Control Architectures | CH 7 - 7.5.0 Gat, Erann. "On three-layer architectures." Artificial intelligence and mobile robots (1998): 195-210. http://wiki.ros.org/smach |
Deliverable 2 (4/07 5:00PM) |
04-10 | Paper Presentations and Final Project Work | |||
14 | 04-15 | Paper Presentations and Final Project Work | Deliverable 3 (4/17 5PM) | |
04-17 | Paper Presentations and Final Project Work | |||
15 | 04-22 | Paper Presentations and Final Project Work | HW#4 (.pdf) (4/21 5:00PM) Working Demo (4/24) |
04-24 | Paper Presentations and Final Project Work | |||
16 | 04-29 | Review for Final | ||
05-01 | Final Project Presentations | |||
05-08 | Final 10:30-12:30 |