

I'm Mike Lam, a computer science faculty member at James Madison University, specializing in program analysis, compilers, systems tools, and high-performance computing (HPC). Check out my research, teaching, and service as well as my CV using the links at the top of the page.

Professionally and academically, I am a researcher and system tools developer with experience in automated floating-point program analysis, particularly for mixed-precision implementations. I earned my Ph.D from the University of Maryland in Computer Science for developing a general framework for binary instrumentation for floating-point precision analysis.

Personally, I enjoy spending time with friends and family as well as being involved in my local church. While in grad school, I served two years as a deacon at Wallace Presbyterian Church in College Park, MD, and more recently I've served as a deacon at Christ Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA. I am a long-time PC gamer; lately, however, I have been mostly just following the video game industry in general and playing various games as time allows.

Currently teaching:

Contact info:

Office:King 227 (MWF) or King 365 (TuTh)
Drop-in hours (Fa'24): Mon 3-4pm and Wed 9:30-11am (in person and on Zoom; contact me for Zoom link)
By appointment (Fa'24): Schedule a meeting
Email:lam2mo (at) jmu (dot) edu

Other info:

Profiles: Google Scholar | LinkedIn | ResearchGate | Zotero

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