CS 149 Intro to Programming

The following table outlines some helpful resources/refernces for this course.
Resource Description
Setup your Computer for CS 149 Java Development Instructions for install jGrasp (the development environment) for both MS Windows and Mac machines
Exam 1 Review Materials for reviewing preparing for Exam 1
Study Guide for Exam 1 -- Written Another example for written practice for exam1
Study Guide for Exam 2 Practice for exam2
Exam 1 Coding Example Another example for coding practice
Autolab From Off-Campus (VPN Configuration) Setting up a network connection to Autolab from off-campus using JMU's supported virtual private networking software (VPN). Link is from the CS Wiki page.
Think Java Trinket Highly recommended. This is an online version of our textbook that provides an interactive environment for you to run and experiment with the Java coding examples provided.
Checkstyle Configuration in jGrasp Checkstyle validates that your code is formatted correctly (indention, variable names, line length). jGrasp provides a mechanism to validate that your code adheres to a set of checkstyle rules. This link describes how to configure jGrasp to perform checkstyle validation.
Building your own Linux/Ubuntu Virtual Machine Many computer scientists and scientific computing applications use the UNIX operating system. All JMU's computer science labs use the Ubuntu/Mint version of Linux. This link provides a tutorial for creating a Ubuntu/Mint virtual machine on your MS Windows or Mac. Having a virtual machine is not a requirement for this class. That said, familiarizing yourself with UNIX will pay dividends as you progress in your computer science education and career.
Java Tutor (does memory diagrams) VERY IMPORTANT: VERIFY the option under the Visualize Execution button has "render all objects on the heap (Python/JAVA)" selected (if it states "inline primitives but don't nest objects[default]" you need to change it)
JUnit Testing your programs is a very important step in software development. This reference illustrates how to use JUnit to write tests to validate your program is performing correctly. JUnit is a testing framework for Java and will be utilized in this class.
Access your Files Remotely (stu) If you store files on the lab computers, this procedure enables access to these files from remote locations.