CS 149 Intro to Programming

Fall 2021

The general learning flow for this class is:

  • POGIL/Group learning activities on Tuesday in ISAT/CS room 143. Please bring your laptop, we will typically spend the last 15 minutes coding.
  • Before class Thursday, complete the assigned reading, 2 small problems (homework), and a reading quiz. This quiz will offer you the chance to post questions to me on this week's learning objectives.
  • Thursday we will have an active learning session, a small lab, and an in-class quiz.
  • Following Thursday's class, homework will be assigned (due either on Friday or Sunday evening).

Week Date Topic Readings Assignment/Lab
  • Intro to POGIL
  • Hello to Java
Assignments, Variables, Memory Diagrams Chp 1
  • POGIL 1
  • MSP 1.2
  • Canvas quiz 1
  • Assignments and Command Line Lab
  • In class Quiz 1
  • In class Quiz 1
  • MSP 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Arithmetic Operators Chp 2
  • POGIL 2
  • MSP 2.1,2.2
  • Canvas Quiz 2
  • Operators and Concatenation Lab
  • In class Quiz 2
  • In class Quiz 2
  • MSP 2.3 - 2.5
Data Types Chp 3
  • POGIL 3
  • MSP 3.1, 3.2
  • Canvas Quiz 3
  • Input/Output Lab
  • In class Quiz 3
  • In class Quiz 3
  • MSP 3.3
  • Methods
  • PA 0 released
Chp 4
  • POGIL 4
  • MSP 4.1, 4.2
  • Canvas Quiz 4
  • Testing Methods Lab
  • In-class Quiz 4
  • In class Quiz 4
  • MSP 4.3 - 4.5
  • Method Stubs and Debugging Lab
  • Exam Review
PA 0 Due
Midterm 1
Conditionals and Logic Chp 5
  • POGIL 5
  • MSP 5.1 - 5.2
  • Canvas Quiz 5
  • Testing Conditionals
  • Strings
  • In-class Quiz 5
  • In class Quiz 5
  • MSP 5.3 - 5.4
  • Loop Structures
  • PA 1 released
Chp 6
  • POGIL 6
  • MSP 6.1 - 6.2
  • Canvas Quiz 6
Loop Lab MSP 6.3 - 6.4
Arrays Chp 7
  • POGIL 7
  • MSP 7.1 - 7.2
  • Canvas Quiz 7
  • Arrays Lab
  • In-class Quiz 6
  • In class Quiz 6
  • MSP 7.3-7.4
  • Intro to Objects
  • Withdrawal Deadline
  • POGIL 8
  • PA 1 Due
  • Canvas Quiz 8
  • Array Lab
  • PA 2 Released
Exam 2
Objects and Arrays Lab
Immutable Objects Chp 9
  • POGIL 9
  • PA 2 Due
  • Canvas Quiz 9
  • Code Coverage Lab
  • Final PA Released
In Class Quiz 7
Mutable Objects Chp 10
  • POGIL 10
  • MSP 10.1 - 10.2
  • Canvas Quiz 9
Command Line Lab Final PA Quiz Due
Thanksgiving Break - No class
Thanksgiving Break - No class
Design Classes Chp 11 POGIL 10
Final PA Due In class Quiz 8
Arrays of Objects Chp 12 POGIL 11
Final Review
  • Section 9 -- 11:20 to 12:35 Section 9
  • Final Exam 10:30 AM to 12:30
  • Section 8 -- 9:40 to 10:55 Class
  • Final Exam 8:00 am to 10:00 am