/** * CS139 - Programming Fundamentals * Department of Computer Science * James Madison University * @version Spring 2016 */
The schedule below represents my current best estimate concerning due dates (and everything else). I am providing this information to give you a general idea of the pace and timing of the class. This schedule will certainly change as the semester progresses.
Readings should be completed before class on the day they are listed. Readings followed by (s) are supplemental. You are not required to complete the supplemental readings, but you may find them useful.
Unless otherwise noted, all readings below are from Starting Out With Java, 6th edition, by Tony Gaddis.
WEEK | Lecture/Activity | READING | OUT | DUE | ||
1 Algorithms & CLI |
01/11/16 | Introduction to CS139 (.pdf) | ||||
01/12/16 | Algorithm Lab (Version A) Algorithm Lab (Version B) |
01/13/16 | Hardare and Languages (.pdf) | Syllabus 1-1.4 |
01/14/16 | Linux CLI | Video (s) | ||||
2 Introduction to Java |
01/18/16 | MLK DAY | ||||
01/19/16 | case_studies.pdf Command Line Java Lab |
1.5, 2.1 JMU Honor Code |
01/20/16 | Intro to Java (.pdf) | |||||
01/21/16 | Using jGRASP | |||||
3 Types, Variables & Operators |
01/25/16 | SNOW DAY Primitive types VIDEO |
2.2.-2.4 | |||
01/26/16 | Types and Scanner | Video, 2.13 | ||||
01/27/16 | Arithmetic Operators, Division and Mod Act03-DataTypes.pdf |
2.5 | PA1 | |||
01/28/16 | Seconds Lab | |||||
4 Methods |
02/01/16 | Sytle (.pdf) Act04A-Methods.pdf |
5.1-5.3 | PA1A | ||
02/02/16 | Methods Lab | Style Guide Checkstyle |
02/03/16 | Return Values (.pdf) | 5.4, 3.10 | ||||
02/04/16 | Circle Lab | PA2 | PA1B | |||
5 Midterm |
02/08/16 | Methods and Testing (.pdf) Testing Activity (.pdf) |
2.6-2.12 | |||
02/09/16 | ASSESSMENT DAY | |||||
02/10/16 | Midterm Review | |||||
02/11/16 | MIDTERM #1 | |||||
6 Decisions |
02/15/16 | Decisions (.pdf) Make-Up Activity (Due 8:00AM 2/18) |
3.1-3.4 Video |
PA2 | ||
02/16/16 | JUnit Lab | |||||
02/17/16 | Logic Exercises (.pdf) | 3.5-3.7, 3.9 | ||||
02/18/16 | CodingBat Logic | PA3 | ||||
7 Decisions & Loops |
02/22/16 | PA3 Intro (.pdf) Introduction to Loops (.pdf) |
4.1-4.5 | |||
02/23/16 | Input Validation | PA3A | ||||
02/24/16 | Loop Activity (.pdf) | 9.3 | ||||
02/25/16 | Loop/String Practice | |||||
8 Loops |
02/29/16 | Nested Loops | 4.7 | |||
03/01/16 | Stars Lab | PA4 | PA3B | |||
03/02/16 | Introduction To Arrays ArrayDemo.java |
7.1-7.3, 7.5 7.4(s) |
03/03/16 | Array Lab | PA4A (3/4 11PM) | ||||
9 | 03/07/16 | SPRING BREAK | ||||
03/08/16 | SPRING BREAK | |||||
03/09/16 | SPRING BREAK | |||||
03/10/16 | SPRING BREAK | |||||
10 Arrays |
03/14/16 | CommandLineDemo.java ArrayParameterDemo.java Array Activity (.pdf) |
7.4 | |||
03/15/16 | Statistics Lab | |||||
03/16/16 | Reference Arrays (.pdf) | 7.6-7.8 | ||||
03/17/16 | CodingBat Arrays | |||||
11 Midterm |
03/21/16 | SearchExercise.java SearchExerciseSolutions.java Reference Exercise (.pdf) ArrayList Intro (.pdf) |
7.13 | PA4B | ||
03/22/16 | ArrayList Lab | PA5 | ||||
03/23/16 | Midterm Review practice questions (.pdf) |
03/24/16 | Midterm #2 | |||||
12 Classes and Objects |
03/28/16 | Introduction to Classes Mower.java Classes Activity (.pdf) |
Video 6.1-6.4 |
03/29/16 | Cars Lab | PA5A | ||||
03/30/16 | Car.java More on Objects and Classes (.pdf) |
6.5-6.7 8.2-8.5 |
03/31/16 | Color Lab | |||||
13 Classes and Objects |
04/04/16 | static/this (.pdf) Car.java |
8.1, 8.6-8.8 | PA5B | ||
04/05/16 | Aliens | PA6 | ||||
04/06/16 | Drawing Memory (.pdf) | |||||
04/07/16 | ArrayList Practice | |||||
14 Developing Classes |
04/11/16 | ShallowCopy.java Design Exercise (.pdf) ParkADukeUML.pdf |
6.9 | |||
04/12/16 | Puzzle Lab | |||||
04/13/16 | HashMap (.pdf) | |||||
04/14/16 | HashMap Lab | |||||
15 Exceptions |
04/18/16 | Exceptions (.pdf) | 11.1, 11.2(s) | PA7 | PA6 | |
04/19/16 | Eclipse Lab | |||||
04/20/16 | Binary Search (.pdf) | 7.11 | ||||
04/21/16 | PA7 Work Day | PA7A | ||||
16 - Final Exam Preparation | 04/25/16 | Review #1 | ||||
04/26/16 | Coding Review | |||||
04/27/16 | Review #2 | |||||
04/28/16 | Coding Portion of Final | PA7B (4/29) |