 * CS139 - Programming Fundamentals
 * Department of Computer Science
 * James Madison University
 * @version Spring 2016

Practicing with ArrayLists


The goal of this lab is to practice working with ArrayLists by completing a Document class that represents a text document as an ArrayList of String objects, where each entry in the ArrayList corresponds to a single line of text.

As a reminder, you can follow the following steps to compile and execute a Java program in the terminal:

$ cd the_directory_where_your_code_is_stored
$ javac File1.java File2.java ...
$ java File1

(This example assumes that File1.java contains the main method for the application.)


Useful API documents:


The following files are provided:


Download the files above and complete Document.java so that all methods conform to the Javadoc comments. Test your completed file by running the two provided application programs. The file output.txt contains the correct output for DocumentTestDriver.java.


Submit your completed version of Document.java through Web-CAT. Style checking is turned off, and you have an unlimited number of submissions. If you have trouble with your submission, you may find it helpful to look at the JUnit submission tests: DocumentTest.java.