 * CS139 - Programming Fundamentals
 * Department of Computer Science
 * James Madison University
 * @version Spring 2016

Codingbat and Conditional Statements


CodingBat is a web site that provides on-line coding practice in Java and Python.

  1. Go to codingbat.com and create an account (click the link on the upper right).
    Please use your JMU email when setting up your account. Also enter your name as shown (last, first).

  2. After logging in, click the "prefs" link (upper right) and "share to" spragunr@jmu.edu or chaoaj@jmu.edu so you that your instructor can see your submissions. (If you skip this step, we won't be able to give you credit for this activity.)

  3. Work through the first three exercises in Warmup-1. Note that solutions are provided for all of the warm-up exercises. Feel free to look at the solutions if you get stuck.

  4. For the remainder of the lab, work on exerciess in Logic-1 section. You should finish as many of these exercises as possible. You must complete at least five to receive full credit for this activity.

We will use CodingBat in subsequent labs, and you are encouraged to work on CodingBat problems at any time.