CS 445 Machine Learning

Fall 2020

Week 3 Study Guide

Learning Objectives

  • Define model underfitting and overfitting (IDD 3.4)
  • Define training, validationb, and testing sets including their roles in proper experimental design and model selection(IDD 3.5)
  • Define K-fold cross validation and design model evaluations that incorporate this technique (IDD 3.6)
  • Define and contrast the difference between a model parameter and a model hyperparameter (IDD 3.7)
  • Represent data in vector/matrix form with NumPy and process this data using NumPy functions (including array masking) instead of regular for/while loops (Numpy Lab, links to scipy lectures, and intro to numpy video)
  • Define an algorithm for the K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier (IDD 4.3)
  • Define/compute MinMaxScaling and characterize why it is important in the context of classifiers that utilize distances like KNN (IDD 2.4.1, lecture slides, and KNN Lab)




Topic Description
Reading Quiz Complete the reading quiz on Canvas by the due date (indicated in Canvas)
PA 1 Submit code to Autolab< and documents are due in Canvas (see the due date in Canvas).