CS 354 Autonomous Robotics
Fall 2020
ROS2 Mapping and Navigation
Demo Random Navigation
- Demonstrate your
lab to one of the instructors.
Obtaining a Robot
- Obtain a robot and follow the instructions from last time for logging in and launching. (There is no need to launch rviz at this point.)
Build a Map
Once your robot is started you can enable SLAM mapping as follows:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_cartographer cartographer.launch.py
Use teleop to drive your robot around the room to create a map. Once you are satisfied with your map, you can save it user the
node:ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver -f ~/engeo1203
Upload a copy of your finished map to Canvas.
Navigating in the map
Once you have saved your map, you can enable navigation by executing the following two launch files in separate tabs:
ros2 launch jmu_turtlebot3_bringup navigation2.launch.py map:=$HOME/engeo1203.yaml
ros2 launch jmu_turtlebot3_bringup nav2_rviz2.launch.py
At this point you should be able to control your robot by selecting navigation goals.
Random Navigation
- Test your random navigation solution on the real robot.