CS 354 Autonomous Robotics

Fall 2020

Meet The Turtlebots

Obtaining a Robot

  • Find a partner (ideally someone from your final project group).
  • Each of you should get a laptop from the laptop cabinet and ONE of you should obtain a Turtlebot and battery.
  • Each turtlebot has as sticker with its name, e.g.: robot1. Make a note of your robot's ID. You won't be able to see it once the Lidar is powered on.
  • Make sure the battery is plugged in, and flip the power switch on the front of the robot. You should see some LED's light up and the robot should play a sequence of tones.

Configuring The Laptop

  • Download the following two scripts:

    Source the two scripts. The set_ros_domain_id.sh script takes an integer argument. To avoid conflicting with other robots you should select the value corresponding to your robot's id. For example, we would do the following to use robot1:

    source ./ros2_config_account.sh
    source ./set_ros_domain_id.sh 1  # 1 because we are using robot1
  • Now clone the following package into your dev_ws/src folder:


    Build this package and source install/setup.bash.

Launching the Turtlebot Driver Node

  • SSH into the Raspberry Pi on your selected robot with the username ubuntu. For example:

    ssh ubuntu@robot1.cs.jmu.edu
  • Once you are logged in, execute the following commands:

    export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL="waffle_pi"
  • You are now ready to start the robot:

    ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py


  • Open a new terminal on the laptop and execute the following launch file:

    ros2 launch jmu_turtlebot3_bringup rviz2.launch.py

    If all has gone well, you should see a visualization of the robot along with the Lidar data. You should leave this launch file running as long as you are working with the robot. In addition to allowing visualization, it keeps the robot from moving unless another script is actively commanding it.

  • Place the robot on the floor and try driving it using the keyboard teleop node:

    ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard

Testing/Improving Previous Labs

  • Download your final "wander" solution from the ROS Packaging Lab and test it on the Turtlebot.

  • Download your detector.py solution from the Intrusion Detection Lab. Test it out and modify it until it works reasonably well. Submit your finished Python file through Canvas.