JMU CS349 - Developing Multimedia
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1 About Exams

In general, exams will contain three kinds of questions: short answer (e.g., true-false, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank), code tracing (i.e., you are given a code fragment and asked to trace its execution), and programming (i.e., you are asked to design and/or write code to accomplish a particular task).

2 About the Final Exam

The final exam will be comprehensive. Unless told otherwise, you are responsible for all of the material covered in lectures, readings, homework assignments, and the project.

3 Studying for Exams

There is no single best source of information. You should review all of the following.

Questions can and will be taken from all of these materials.

4 Sample Exam Questions

In general, exams will contain three kinds of questions: short answer (e.g., true-false, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank), code tracing (i.e., you are given a code fragment and asked to trace its execution), and programming (i.e., you are asked to write code to accomplish a particular task).

The following sample questions should help you have an idea of the kinds of questions that might appear on the exams. (Note: These are NOT sample exams. In other words, they are not indicative of the length of the exams or the "mix" of questions that will appear on the exams.)

Note that the answers to the sample questions will not be made available. This is to help you avoid focusing too much attention on the specifics of these questions. Instead, you should try and answer different variants of each question. Then you should discuss the questions and answers with other students enrolled in the course. (Of course, you can easily check your answers to the code-tracing and programming questions by executing the code.)

Note also that some of the sample questions make use of the multimedia system developed in the textbook and lectures, and some do not. You should be prepared to answer both kinds of questions on the exam.

5 Reference Cards

If needed, on the day of the exam you will be given reference cards (in UML) for the relevant parts of the Java API and multimedia API. Note that the reference cards can be quite long. So, you should not plan on searching through them to find answers. In other words, don't use the reference cards as a "crutch", and don't think of them as a "cheat sheet". They are there in case you happen to forget the signature of a method or two.

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