JMU CS349 - Developing Multimedia
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1 Java Development Tools

You may use any development tools that you would like. However, you should keep in mind that you will be working on a team project at the end of the semester, and it will be easier if you and your teammates are using the same tools. Also remember that you will be submitting your code using Gradescope, and it uses a specific set of tools. So, you will probably have less trouble if you use the same (or at least consistent) tools.

The recommended tools are listed below:

Java Development Kit Standard Edition v17 (Compiler and Runtime)
Eclipse v2022-06 (Integrated Development Environment)
Checkstyle v10.x (Static Analysis Tool)
JUnit v5.8 (Unit Testing Framework)
EclEmma 3.1.6 (Coverage Tool)

Information about how to install these tools is available on the course "Help" page in the section on "Setting-Up the Recommended Development Environment".

2 Other Useful Development Tools

There are a variety of other development tools that you might find useful as the semester progresses, including:

If you would like to use a stand-alone file transfer client you can use:

If you would like to use a terminal client you need to use an SSH client. In OS X and Linux/Unix you can use ssh from the command line. In MS-Windows you may be able to use ssh but, if not, you can use:


3 Media Tools

In addition to the software you write, you might find the following media tools useful:

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