Probabilistic Tracking And Localization
Complete the following exercises. Show your work. You may either
submit through blackboard, or submit a neatly-written paper copy
before the deadline.
- Consider the
robot we discussed in class . Assuming that the initial
probability distribution over locations is uniform, what is the final
probability distribution over locations given the following
series of sensor readings:
- We discussed an example of using a Kalman filter to track an
object moving in 2d at a fixed velocity: That code is vague on the
subject of units. It is not clear how much time passes between
observations, or how the position values are measured. Rewrite the
code to conform to the following specifications:
- All distances are in meters.
- Velocities are in meters/second.
- State and sensor updates happen at a rate of 10HZ.
The only code you will need to modify is the Phi array in the movingKF
function. The main method will not need to be modified (apart from comments
explaining what units are being used.)
Create a function named moving3dKF that creates a Kalman filter suitable for
tracking on object moving at a fixed velocity in three dimensions.