THe goal of today’s lab is to gain experience working with the TurtleBots and to practice working with ROS 2 command line tools.
We’ll need to use some custom ROS 2 packages to connect to the TurtleBots in the lab. The following steps walk through the process of configuring the student account on the lab laptops. You’ll need to complete these steps every time you log into the lab machines.
Source the file in a terminal as follows:
If you are using a physical robot, use the robot ID as your
, if you are using the simulator, use the number of
your laptop.
Log into the robot using ssh:
where the “3” is replaced by the number for your robot.Type the following into the terminal on the robot:
In a separate terminal on the laptop, type the following:
You should now be able to drive the robot using keyboard input.
Open a new terminal/tab and type the following command:
Take a minute to experiment with activating and deactivating the different
displays in the rviz2
Open a new terminal and type the following (don’t forget to use tab completion!)
You should see a window that looks something like the following:
In a separate terminal on the laptop, type the following:
You should now be able to drive the robot using keyboard input.
Open a new terminal/tab and type the following command:
Take a minute to experiment with activating and deactivating the different
displays in the rviz2
Download the file ros2_cli_worksheet.txt. Complete each of the exercises and write your answers in the text document. Submit your finished file through Canvas.