ROS 2 COMMAND LINE EXERCISES Complete each exercise below using either an actual robot or the simulator. If you have time, try the commands using both. NAME 1 (include last name please): NAME 2 (include last name please): NAME 3 (include last name please): ----------- PART 1. Start the Turtlebot3 Gazebo simulator or robot by following the provided instructions, then use the ROS 2 command line to accomplish each of the tasks described below. For each question, provide the answer along with the sequence of terminal commands that you used to solve the problem. 1. Determine the angle increment (in degrees) of the laser scanner published on the /scan topic. ANSWER: ROS COMMANDS: 2. Determine the rate that images are published to the /camera/image_raw topic. ANSWER: ROS COMMANDS: 3. Use an appropriate invocation of 'ros2 topic' to send messages that will rotate the Turtlebot in place (forever). Select a rotational velocity that will cause the robot to complete one complete revolution every 10 seconds. You will need to publish to: /cmd_vel (Make sure to exit any teleop commands first.) ROS COMMANDS: 4. Use an appropriate invocation of 'ros2 topic' to send messages that will cause the Turtlebot to turn (forever) in a circle with a radius of .144 meters. The robot should complete one complete circle every ten seconds. (The distance between the turtlebot wheels is .287 meters: if this is working correctly the Turtlebot should appear to pivot around its left wheel.) ROS COMMANDS: ----------- PART 2. Repeat each of the previous exercises using rqt instead of the ros2 cli.