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CS 444 Spring 2024 Calendar

A calendar/plan for the semester.

Acknowledgement and Citations: Some of the material below was developed from:
  • The POGIL respository for Computer Science
  • the Berkeley AI project
  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
W Date Lecture Topic Readings Activities Homework Project
1 17-Jan
  • What is AI
  • Intel Agents
Agents and Rationality PA 1
2 22-Jan Uninformed Search
Uninformed Search PA 2
24-Jan Graph Search vs. Tree Search Lab 1:Uninformed Search
3 29-Jan Uniform Cost and A* Search Informed Search
31-Jan Developing Heuristics Lab 2: Informed Search
4 5-Feb Mastery Quiz 1a
Local Search
Local Search PA 2 Due Feb 8
7-Feb Using Local Search methods to Solve N-Queens Lab 3: Local Search
5 12-Feb
  • Mastery Quiz 1b
  • Constraint Satisifcation Problems with Backtracking
14-Feb CSPs
  • Detecting Failure Early
  • Min-Conflicts
Lab 4: Min Conflicting Queeens
6 19-Feb Adversarial Search
  • Minimax Trees
  • Alpha Beta Pruning
Adversarial Search
21-Feb Expectimax, Utility Functions Adversarial Search with Uncertainty RQ 7
7 26-Feb MPQW7
  • Mastery Quiz 2a
  • PA Work Day
8 4-Mar Markov Decision Processes 1 MDPs PA 3 Due Mar 5 (/pas/pacmanwithghosts/)
6-Mar Master Quiz 2b
Markov Decision Processes 2
9 11-Mar Spring BREAK
13-Mar Spring BREAK
10 18-Mar MDP Lab 1 Lab 6: Value Iteration
20-Mar Reinforcement Learning 1 Reinforcement Learning
11 25-Mar Reinforcement Learning 2 Lab 7: Reinforcement Learning Crawler
27-Mar PA Work day
12 1-Apr
  • Mastery Quiz 3a
  • Proposition Logic and Logical Agents
Propositional Logic PA 4 Due Apr 2
3-Apr Theorm Proving and Resolution
13 8-Apr
  • Mastery Quiz 3b
  • FOL, Unification
First Order Logic
10-Apr FOL Resolution and Chaining
14 15-Apr Mastery Quiz 4 Probability Review
17-Apr Bayes Representations Bayes
15 22-Apr Bayes Variable Elimination
24-Apr Bayes Sampling
16 29-Apr Hidden Markov Models HMMs
  • Mastery Quiz 5
  • review