CS 444 Artificial Intelligence

PA 0: Setup Development Environment


The purpose of this programming assignment is to:
  • Setup your Python programming environment
  • provide resources to help you get up-to-speed with the Python programming language

Part 1: Setup Development Environment

You will need to construct your Python development environment. Instructions that detail how to setup your development environment are located here .

Part 2: Play Some Pacman

Download the search.zip file for PA01 and unzip it. Change into the directory created when unzipping it named search. Make sure your python environment is configured (see resources) and then enter the following at the command line:
python pacman.py
. Take a screen shot of Pacman running on your computer and submit it to Canvas. This is the only devliverable for this PA.

Part 3: Warm up (optional)

Get started by completing one or both of the following online tutorials: Once you have completed the tutorials above, log into Coding Bat.

You can complete as many of these as you feel necessary.

Feel free to skim the tutorials above if you are already comfortable programming in Python. If you are new to Python, I strongly encourage you to work through each step of the tutorials carefully. It will probably take a couple of hours, but the time spent will pay dividends throughout the semester.


You should submit the screenshot of Pacman running on your computer to Canvas.

Many of the pacman modules were originally developed by Pieter Abbeel, Nick Hay, and Dan Klein along with UC Berkeley.