CS 444 Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2019
Exam 1 -- Topics and Preparation
I have posted a small
sample exam.
The exam will cover the following topics:
- Intelligent Agents (Chapter 2) including:
specifying the nature of environments and the
structure of agents. Review problems from
the book including 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4.
- Searching (Chapter 3) including uninformed
(BFS, DFS, DLS, IDS) and informed
search strategies (A*Star), and heuristic functions.
Review problems from the book include 3.3, 3.6a,b,
3.10, 3.14, 3.23. The problems on our quiz
could also be covered.
- Local search (Chapter 4) including optimization
problems, landscapes (local max, local min, global
max, global mins), hill climbing, random-restart
hill climbing, simulated annealing. Know
the definitions for complete, optimal,
and probablistically complete and know how
they relate to the methods discussed in class.
Review problems 4.1 and be able to describe
the differences between the methods discussed in
- Adversarial search (Chapter 5) including
defining a zero-sum game, minimax algorithm,
and alpha-beta pruning. Problems 5.8 and also be able
to draw minimax and alpha-beta pruning examples
labeling V, alpha, and beta for each node.
- This is a closed-book, single page of notes, no-calculator exam.
Do not refer to any materials other than the exam
- Do not look at anyone else's exam. Do not talk to
anyone but the instructor during the exam. Turn off
all cell phones, etc.
- Use the restroom and take care of personal needs
before you arrive. If you need to leave during
the exam, ask for permission.