Click here for a list of resources (code, sample exams, etc.)
Students will study the history, premises, goals, social impact and philosophical implications of artificial intelligence. Students will study heuristic algorithms for large state spaces and learn to develop recursive and non-deterministic algorithms.
Prerequisites: A grade of "C-" or better in CS 240.
This course will use the 3rd edition of Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Ed. by Stuart Rusell and Peter Norvig (this is a required text). Other material, videos and assignments will be assigned.
All programming work for this course will utilize the Python 3 programming language, which is included on the Ubuntu Mint virtual machine image maintained by JMU's own Unix Users Group (UUG). You will be expected to learn Python on your own (which is not that difficult given that you already know at least Java). Usually, the first programming assignment will be something simple, just to make sure you are familiar with the language.
Here are a few references to familarize yourself