CS 354 Autonomous Robotics

Fall 2020

Turlebot Simulation


The purpose of this programming assignment is to:
  • validate that your ROS 2 environment is configured and functioning
  • introduce ROS simulation
  • introduce ROS nodes and topics and the concepts of being a publisher and a subscriber


Working in groups of two:

TurtleBot3 Simulation

  • Open a new terminal window and type the following:
    echo ${TURTLEBOT3_MODEL} 
    This should print out waffe-pi. If this does not print out, you should review the workstation configuration documentation before continuing with the lab.
  • Open a new terminal window and type the following (this a good time to experiment with tab completion.
    ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch.py 
    This screen pictured below should appear.
  • Open a new terminal/tab and type the following command:
    ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard 
    This will enable you to move around the turtlebot using the keyboard.
  • Open a new terminal/tab and type the following command:
    ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup rviz2.launch.py  
    This will start rviz, allowing you to visualize some of the robot's sensor readings. Select the check-boxes assocaited with LaserScan and Images. You may want to uncheck Odometry for right now. Drive around the robot using the tele_op window. If you need to change the size of the "obstacles" pixels drawn on the screen, under the LaserScan there is a size attribute that you can change.

TurtleBot3 Simulation

Complete the following tasks and answer the questions in ROS2CommandLineQuestions.txt.

PA originally developed by Nathan Sprague utilizing ROS 2 Turtlebot code.