Computer Science Teaching Academy
June 24 - June 28, 2013 at James Madison University

CTA Home Course Syllabus Google Group Schedule


[June 23rd]
Welcome to Harrisonburg everyone! See the schedule page for slides, resources, and other files presented during the week.

[June 4th]
The schedule has now been posted. We are looking forward to an exciting set of sessions and guest speakers! You will receive more information from JMU Conference Services via snail mail.

[April 15th]
The CS Academy is now filled and registration is closed. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact Chris Mayfield ( We will notify you if space becomes available.


Are you teaching AP Computer Science or introductory programming courses? Do you have questions about the best approaches? Wondering where the field is going and how to stay current? Then join your colleagues at the 14th Annual Content Teaching Academy, held June 24 - June 28, 2013 on the campus of James Madison University! This week of professional development is designed to increase both your pedagogical and content knowledge in computer science.

You will learn effective strategies for teaching the fundamentals including decisions and loops, arrays and objects, recursion and inheritance, and debugging and testing. We will sharpen your skills in the Java and Python programming languages and introduce several cutting edge learning environments like Scratch, Greenfoot, and App Inventor. The course will give you hands-on experience with lesson plans for engaging team-based classroom activities. We will also present automated grading and assessment techniques, both for program correctness and coding style.

Participants may earn three hours of university graduate credit (90 professional development points) upon successful completion of the academy and follow-up assignments. Thanks to generous support from our sponsors, the $395 registration fee is waived for participants of the CS Academy! We also have funding available to help pay for housing, meals, and graduate tuition (if applying for JMU credit).

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!