Got questions? You are not alone! Here are the best resources available:
Office Hours¶
- M/W/F 12:30–1:30 and Tu/Th 1:00–2:00 in King Hall 208 or join my Zoom waiting room.
- Please fill out this form when you arrive so that I know what order to meet with everyone.
TA/Lab Hours¶
- In-person and online help is available Sunday through Thursday. See the TA Hours page.
- For best results, don't wait until the last minute! The TAs are busy when homework is due.
Piazza Q&A¶
- When you have questions about the homework or any course topic, please ask on Piazza.
- All CS 159 professors, TAs, and students will be able to see and answer your questions!
Extra Practice¶
- CodeLab is an interactive programming exercise system.
- Register for a account using your dukes email address.
- After logging in, add our course using the access code:
- The license agreement suggests you might need to pay, but the course is free.
- CodingBat is a free site of live problems to build skill in Java and/or Python programming.
- The site was created by Nick Parlante, who is Computer Science lecturer at Stanford.
- If you create an account, CodingBat will automatically save your submissions online.
- Dr. Bernstein has detailed lecture slides and self-guided labs on his CS 159 website.
- Many labs are labeled "Extra Help" and include answers to check your understanding.