Decaf Compiler
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAssignmentNodeAST assignment structure
 CASTNodeMain AST node structure
 CAttributeAST attribute (basically a key-value store for nodes)
 CBinaryOpNodeAST binary operation expression structure
 CBlockNodeAST block structure
 CConditionalNodeAST conditional structure
 CFuncCallNodeAST function call expression structure
 CFuncDeclNodeAST function structure
 CLiteralNodeAST literal expression structure
 CLocationNodeAST location expression structure
 CNodeListLinked list of struct ASTNode* elements
 CNodeVisitorNode visitor structure
 CParameterAST parameter (used in function declarations)
 CParameterListLinked list of struct Parameter* elements
 CProgramNodeAST root structure
 CReturnNodeAST return statement structure
 CTokenSingle token
 CTokenQueueLinked list of tokens
 CUnaryOpNodeAST unary operation expression structure
 CVarDeclNodeAST variable structure
 CWhileLoopNodeAST while loop structure