Prof. John C. Bowers



A screenshot of the SphericalSketch app of Koebe-Lib.
A screenshot of the SphericalSketch app of Koebe-Lib.

Koebe-Lib is a library for investigating inversive geometry of circles. It has facilities for representing circles / disks one the 2-sphere as well as in other geometries such as Euclidean and Oriented Projective. It includes Ken Stephenson's CirclePack as a dependency for performing circle packing. The code is written in Kotlin and can be used as a Kotlin library. We also have a small application included called SphericalSketch which displays the 2-sphere and a python coding window and allows figures to be constructed using python.

  • Collaborators: Maddie Brower (JMU), Sarah Ciresi (Georgetown'18), Quincy Mast (JMU'18)
  • Koebe-Lib GitHub


Three levels of the twisted pentagonal subdivision as output by Escher.
Three levels of the twisted pentagonal subdivision as output by Escher.

Escher is a programming language for coding conformal subdivision tilings. Currently, Escher's code resides within Koebe-Lib though it should probably eventually fork off into its own project.

  • Collaborators: Angelo Luna


  • KINARI. I collaborate with Ileana Streinu on the protein rigidity analysis software Kinari.
  • JMU CS Interactive Hall Display. I coded the initial framework for the CS department's interactive hall display. The goal is to have students submit additional visualizations and games.
  • JMU Freshman Advising Schedule Generator. A schedule generator for JMU Freshman Advisors that allows advisors to generate advisee schedules for Summer Springboard with useful information like: it takes more than 15 minutes to walk from the Physics/Chemistry building to Memorial.
  • JMU CS Core Course Connections. A visualization of the connections between various CS courses by topic coverage.