Home Teaching Research Publications Office Hours

EMAIL Address

Dr. Bernstein can be reached via email at:

Other Contact Information

    Phone: 540-568-1671
    Fax: 540-568-2745
    Office: King Hall (formerly the CS/ISAT Building), Room 107
    WWW: w3.cs.jmu.edu/bernstdh/Web

Mailing Address:

    Prof. David Bernstein
    Dept. of Computer Science
    James Madison University
    800 South Main St. MSC 4103
    Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Getting to JMU

JMU is in Harrisonburg, VA (in the Shenandoah Valley) near the intersection of I81 and State Route 33. It is very easy to drive to, and very difficult to get to by any other mode of transportation.

Copyright © David Bernstein