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JMU CS488 - Computer Graphics Applications
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Programming Assignment 6

1 Overview

For this assignment you must use your Matrix and Vector classes/templates from programming assignment 5 in a 2-D rasterizer (and supporting classes). Specifically, you must write a Geometry template and a Rasterizer2D class.

This assignment is about 2-D computer graphics. It does not use any new topics from our study of C++.

2 Existing Classes/Templates/structs

A few different classes/templates/structs have been created for you.

The first is a simple struct that encapsulates RGB colors. It should be self-explanatory.

The second is a simple (and not robust) interface for a frame buffer. It uses traditional Euclidean coordinates with the origin of the coordinate system in the middle of the FrameBuffer. Most importantly, it provides the ability to set the color of individual pixels using the setPixel() method and the ability to "display" the entire image (after it has been completed) using the show() method.

The last two are concrete classes that implement the FrameBuffer interface. One of them writes a .ppm (file named cs488.ppm) when its show() method is called. This file should be readable by any bitmap image viewer. The other uses SDL to display a window containing the image when its show() method is called. You can use either or both for testing.

Because of slight differences between the way SDL works under different OSs, there are some lines that may need to be commented-out/included for different OSs. This should be apparent from the source code. Also, depending on your environment you may need to change the #include for SDL. Hopefully, you will not need to make major changes to this class, but you should feel free to make changes if necessary.

Though SDL has a complete 2-D graphics library, you must not use it. We are using SDL exclusively as a simple (platform independent) windowing system.

3 Detailed Specification

The specifications for the classes in this assignment are available in "documentation format". That is, you are being provided with the documentation for the classes, and your implementation must conform to the documentation.

Be careful about the dimensionality of the functions in the Geometry template. Even though this assignment is about 2-D rasterization, some of the functions in this template are N-dimensional. Also, note that you may not need to use all of the methods in the Geometry template in your Rasterizer2D. Determining which you need and which you don't should help you assess your understanding of the material.

4 A Development Strategy

You should not have to make any changes to your Matrix and Vector templates. However, so that you don't accidentally break them, and to make it easier to submit, you should copy them into the directory/folder for this assignment.

5 Questions to think About Before You Start Writing Code

The Geometry template could have been designed in a variety of different ways. You might want to think about the following questions:
  1. Which N \times 1 and/or 1 \times N Matrix objects could, instead, have been Vector objects? Should they have been?
  2. area(), inside(), and toImplict() are templated so that they are one-to-one with Matrix. What would happen if they weren't? GIven that they are, how must they be invoked?
  3. inside() is passed three "vectors" (i.e., Matrix<2,1> objects) containing the vertices rather than a single Matrix. Would it be better to pass a Matrix?

6 Unit Testing

You should create create traditional automated unit tests for the Geometry template (i.e., methods that don't use a FrameBuffer object). Note that several functions in Geometry.hpp are templated (for consistency) when they needn't be (i.e., they only work in 2D) . For example, this is true of the intersect() function. When you invoke these functions you must bind N to 2. For example:
      double alpha, beta;
      Vector<2> p, r, q, s;
      p = {0.0,4.0};
      q = {4.0,8.0};
      r = {0.0,6.0};
      s = {3.0,3.0};
      intersect<2>(p, q, r, s, &alpha, &beta);

You should also create "visual" unit tests for the Rasterizer2D (i.e., methods that use the FrameBuffer class). While one could create an alternative headless (i.e., off-screen) FrameBuffer class for automated testing, that is beyond the scope of this course. At a minimum, you should test:

7 Integration Testing

You must use the following driver for integration testing:

The output from this test must look like the following:


Note that, while this image looks 3-D, it does not involve any 3D rasterization techniques.

8 Submission

You must submit a file named pa6.zip that contains just Vector.hpp, Matrix.hpp, Geometry.hpp, Rasterizer2D.h, and Rasterizer2D.cpp (all in the top-level directory) using Autolab.

In addition, you must submit a .pdf file that contains the image generated by your code when you run PA6IntegrationTest using Canvas.

9 Grading

Points will be awarded as follows:

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