JMU CS488 - Computer Graphics Applications
Policies Solutions Study-Aids Syllabus Tools

1 Style Guides

All code, documentation, and papers must conform to the course style guides:

2 Course WWW Pages

This course has a fairly extensive set of WWW pages associated with it. For help using these pages, you might want to look at:

The code examples used in class are also available on the WWW and can be downloaded from the page in which they are used. You can also:

3 Software Development Environment

You may use any operating system and development environment that supports the course's development tools. Help is available on the following topics but the responsibility of installing and using an environment falls entirely on you.

4 Connecting to JMU from Off Campus

Several resources we will be using this semester are only available to members of the JMU community (i.e., to computers with a JMU IP address). If you have trouble accessing these resources from off campus, you might want to look at:

5 Course Content

Obviously, a great deal has been written about the topics covered in this class. If you're looking for help (or just for more information) you might want to look at the following:

6 The Oxford English Dictionary

Of course, you need to understand the things you read. The OED is a tremendous resource in this regard. It is available on-line at

7 Pronunciation of Names

It is often very difficult to know how to pronounce proper names. Usually, you have to know the person or know someone who knows the person, etc.... This can be quite embarassing when you need to discuss an algorithm that has been named after someone. Fortunately, you can sometimes find the answer in the following reference:

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