JMU CS345 - Software Engineering
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KILowBites Sprint 1

1 Before the Sprint Planning Meeting

Before the Sprint Planning Meeting you must read the project description and all of the documents it links to.

Also, you must read and understand the stories in the Initial Product Backlog. They are contained in the following document:

You should also enter all of the epics and stories (which ScrumBoard calls issues) into ScrumBoard. This will save a lot of time during the planning meeting. To add an epic, select the "Epics" tab and click on the ⊕ next to "New". Then, enter the title, a description, the size, and an optional color. To add a story/issue to an epic, select the epic and click on the ⊕ next to "Issues." Then, enter the title, description, and size (in story points).

Finally, every member of the team must read and understand the interaction design document.

2 During the Sprint Planning Meeting

During the sprint planning meeting (which may, because of the length of class meetings, be held over the course of multiple days) there are several things you must do.

First, you must first determine which features will be included in the current increment as follows:

  1. Starting with the highest priority stories, decompose each PBI into tasks.
  2. Create effort estimates for each task. (To add a task, select the story/issue and click on the ⊕ next to "Tasks", enter the title, an optional description and the effort estimate in hours)."
  3. Calculate the total number of person-hours required to complete all of the tasks that have been identified thus far.
  4. Repeat these steps until the total hours required to complete the tasks is greater than the total number of person-hours the team has available.
  5. If necessary (i.e., if there are stories that can't be completed because of time constraints), negotiate the contents of the sprint backlog with the product owner.

After the team and the product owner have determined what features will be included in the current increment, the team must:

  1. Individually commit to (i.e. take responsibility for) completing specific tasks during this sprint. (To take responsibility for a task, select the appropriate team member from the drop-down list.)
  2. Create acceptance criteria (i.e., "definitions of done") for each feature that will be completed during this sprint. (To add an acceptance criterion to a story/issue, enter a description in the text field under "Acceptance Criteria" and click on the ⊕.).
  3. Discuss the acceptance criteria with the product owner to ensure that there will be no disagreements at the end of the sprint.

After the team and the product owner have agreed on acceptance criteria, the team must:

  1. Add a sprint to the project. (To add a sprint, select the "Planning" tab and click on the ⊕. Then enter a title, optional goal, and optional description.)
  2. Add stories/issues to the sprint. (To add stories/issues, select the sprint, and click on the ⊕ next to "Issues". Then, select the stories/issues to add and click on [Done].)
  3. End the sprint planning meeting and start the sprint. (To start the sprint, select it and click on the ▶ next to "State:". Then enter the start date and end date and click on [Start].)

2.1 Help Decomposing Features/Stories/Issues into Tasks

There are several things to keep in mind when decomposing features/stories/issues into tasks.
  • Epics span multiple sprints, features/stories/issues can be completed in a single sprint, and tasks require hours to complete.
  • Remember that cards are placeholders for conversations. In other words, unlike when using a heavyweight process in which most of the details are determined and enumerated/documented up front, when using scrum, a story contains only a brief description of the feature. Hence, it is often necessary to have conversations with the product owner to determine the details that were omitted from the story.
  • Do not confuse engineering design decisions (e.g., what classes will be created) and/or implementation decisions (e.g., what layout manager to use for the GUI, what algorithm to use) with tasks. Those kinds of decisions should not be made during the planning meeting.
  • Each feature/story/issue often has some interaction/product design tasks, some engineering design tasks, some programming tasks, some unit testing tasks, etc... Many features/stories/issues also have data acquisition tasks, integration/system testing tasks, user documentation tasks, etc...
  • Do not forget to include overhead tasks (e.g., research), and pay particular attention to overhead tasks that are not related to a particular feature/story (e.g., grooming the product backlog is a task that should be done in every sprint, and you should plan for it accordingly).

You've seen several examples that you should use to guide you.

2.2 Help Creating Acceptance Criteria

It is very important that the team (the members of which have technical knowledge/skills) and the product owner (who often doesn't) agree before the sprint begins on what will be completed during the sprint. It is also very important that, at the end of the sprint, the team and the product owner agree on what was completed. Since features/stories are often ambiguous, this means that the team and product owner must agree on acceptance criteria/"definitions of done".

One might think that the tasks could be used for this purpose, but they can't because they require technical knowledge/skills to understand. Acceptance criteria must be written so that they can be understood by both the team members and the product owner. They must be specific enough so that, at the end of the sprint, there can't be any disputes about whether a backlog item was or wasn't completed.

You've seen several examples that you should use to guide you.

2.3 Help Negotiating with the Product Owner

You will be much more effective negotiating with the product owner if you have specific and detailed data about the amount of time the team can devote to the sprint and the time required to complete each of the tasks. You will be ineffective if you just claim to not have enough time.

Also, remember that the Product Owner is responsible for maximizing business value. So, in the event that you are able to convince the Product Owner that all of the stories can't be completed during the Sprint, the Product Owner will prioritize the stories based on the information that you provide. In other words, the team should not argue that a story is unimportant, that is for the Product Owner to decide.

3 The Remainder of the Sprint

After the sprint planning meeting is over, each member of the team must complete the tasks that they took responsibility for and record their progress in the Scrum tool (on the "Execution" tab).

When you start working on a story, you must move it from the "Open" state to the "In Progress" state. As you complete tasks, you must click on the associated checkbox. When a story is complete (i.e., when all of the tasks associated with that story are complete), you must ensure that it moves from the "In Progress" state to the "Completed" state.

4 What You Will Need for the Review

Obviously, all of your team's code must be in your GitHub repository and all other sprint-related materials must be in the sprint planning/management tool (which must be up to date). In addition, on the day of the review your team must have the following:

The printouts must clearly identify your team.

5 Resources

You might find the following resources useful.

6 Recipes

You might find the following recipes useful during both the design and testing phases:

Obviously, the product should be able to work with these and other recipes.

7 Technical Hints and Help

The following hints might help you add some of the functionality described in the stories.

7.1 Serialization

One way to save objects to a file is to use serialization. This is described in one of the labs.

7.2 Changing the Look and Feel of the GUI

The "look and feel" (sometimes called the "skin") can be changed in a variety of different ways. Some help is available on the Departmental Wiki.

7.3 Decentralized Control in GUI-Based Applications

For complicated GUI-based applications, the listeners/observers can get messy. One way to avoid this is to use "actions". This approach is described in this lecture from another course.

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