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Monday 10/9

Exercise 1: While-Loop Tracing Practice

Determine what will be printed by each of the code snippets below.


count = 1
while count <= 3:
    count += 1


count = 7
while count > 3:
    count -= 2


count = 1
while count <= 6:
    if count % 2 == 0:
        count += 3
        count += 1


count = 1
while count < 10 and count % 7 != 0:
    count += 1


count = 10
while count > 0:
    count += 1


grades = [93, 82, 67, 99]
while len(grades) > 1:
    min_grade = min(grades)

Review of Containers

Name Create EmptyOperatorsImportant Methods
List [] or list() [i], in, +, * append, count, index, insert, pop, remove
Tuple () or tuple() [i], in, +, * count, index
Set set() in add, pop, remove
Dictionary {} or dict() [k], in get, items, pop

Exercise 2: Short Words

Write a function named get_short(words) that takes a list of words and returns the words that have at most 5 letters. Do not change the list you are given. Instead, follow these steps:

  • Create an empty list.
  • Write a for loop that adds one word at a time to the list.
  • Return the resulting list. (At the end, not in the loop!)

Once this function is tested, create two new functions named get_short_set(words) and get_short_dict(words) these should return the short words in a set or dict respectively. For get_short_dict(words) use the word for the key and the length for the value.

Exercise 3: Five Stars

Write a function named five_star(hotels) that takes a list of tuples as the input where the first entry in each tuple is the hotel name and the second is the rating. Return a list of hotels that have a rating of 4.5 or higher. For example

>>> five_star([("Ritz",5.0), ("Marriott", 4.5), ("Madison", 4.2)])
["Ritz", "Marriott"]

Once this is tested, create a new function named five_star_dict that takes a dictionary as input. For example, given {"Ritz": 5.0, "Marriott": 4.5, "Madison": 4.2}, return ["Ritz", "Marriott"].