color BLACK is #000000 in hex and looks like this: color RED is #ff0000 in hex and looks like this: color GREEN is #00ff00 in hex and looks like this: color YELLOW is #ffff00 in hex and looks like this: color BLUE is #0000ff in hex and looks like this: color MAGENTA is #ff00ff in hex and looks like this: color CYAN is #00ffff in hex and looks like this: color WHITE is #ffffff in hex and looks like this: color RED+GREEN is #ffff00 in hex and looks like this: color RED+YELLOW is #ffff00 in hex and looks like this: color WHITE-CYAN is #ff0000 in hex and looks like this: color cc1{34,54,189} is #2236bd in hex and looks like this: color cc2{128,32,64} is #802040 in hex and looks like this: color dark BLUE is #0000df in hex and looks like this: color dim BLUE is #0000d4 in hex and looks like this: Does BLUE + GREEN == CYAN? true color cc4{0,64,0} is #004000 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*0 {0,64,0} is #206020 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*1 {0,64,0} is #408040 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*2 {0,64,0} is #60a060 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*3 {0,64,0} is #80c080 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*4 {0,64,0} is #a0e0a0 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*5 {0,64,0} is #c0ffc0 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*6 {0,64,0} is #e0ffe0 in hex and looks like this: color lighten*7 {0,64,0} is #ffffff in hex and looks like this: color cc5{0,64,0} is #004000 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*0 {0,64,0} is #004c00 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*1 {0,64,0} is #005b00 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*2 {0,64,0} is #006d00 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*3 {0,64,0} is #008200 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*4 {0,64,0} is #009c00 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*5 {0,64,0} is #00bb00 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*6 {0,64,0} is #00e000 in hex and looks like this: color brighten*7 {0,64,0} is #00ff00 in hex and looks like this: color cc6{255,192,0} is #ffc000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*0 {255,192,0} is #dfa000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*1 {255,192,0} is #bf8000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*2 {255,192,0} is #9f6000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*3 {255,192,0} is #7f4000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*4 {255,192,0} is #5f2000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*5 {255,192,0} is #3f0000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*6 {255,192,0} is #1f0000 in hex and looks like this: color darken*7 {255,192,0} is #000000 in hex and looks like this: color cc7{255,192,0} is #ffc000 in hex and looks like this: color dim*0 {255,192,0} is #d4a000 in hex and looks like this: color dim*1 {255,192,0} is #b08500 in hex and looks like this: color dim*2 {255,192,0} is #926e00 in hex and looks like this: color dim*3 {255,192,0} is #795b00 in hex and looks like this: color dim*4 {255,192,0} is #644b00 in hex and looks like this: color dim*5 {255,192,0} is #533e00 in hex and looks like this: color dim*6 {255,192,0} is #453300 in hex and looks like this: color dim*7 {255,192,0} is #392a00 in hex and looks like this: