James Madison University, Fall 2018 Semester
Lab20: Game design with Greenfoot
Greenfoot is an interactive, visual programming environment that enables students to write their own simulations and games using standard Java. Read the About Greenfoot page for more details about the project.
Become familiar with the Greenfoot environment.
Explain the difference between classes and objects.
Practice writing and calling non-static methods.
Work through the official Greenfoot Tutorials. At a minimum,
complete parts 1–4. Feel free to explore and add other code to your scenario. Be creative! Submit your final Crab.java file via
Canvas by the due date.
Don't forget to write a Javadoc comment for the Crab class, including your name and today's date.
On the Linux lab machines, the tutorial files and other sample scenarios are available under
. -
You can download additional scenarios (just for fun) on the book section of their website.
We will use Greenfoot during the last two weeks of CS 149 to explore classes and objects in more detail.
On Canvas, upload your Crab.java file by the due date.