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HW 7: App Critique

The goal of this assignment is to practice identifying key design aspects of VR apps and using them to critique an existing VR game.


  1. I have installed four games onto the headsets (can be found under Work Apps or Unknown Sources):
  2. Pick one and play it for at least 10-15 minutes.
  3. Complete the survey on Canvas that will ask about the following:
    • Locomotion: What locomotion method(s) does the app use?
      • Do you think this method(s) was appropriate?
    • Interaction: What interaction method(s) does the app use?
      • How did you learn the controls?
      • Was interaction intuitive? Why or why not?
    • Comfort: Did you experience any VR sickness with the app?
      • What measure(s) does the app take to avoid this (if any)?
    • Immersion: In what ways did the app immerse you? Hint: Think about SEMIVIP.
      • Did you feel a sense of presence?
    • Other: Anything unique or interesting you found about the app?


You will be graded based on your completion of the survey above.