Python Tool Set Installation Instructions

NOTE: You may be in the habit of logging into stu using VS Code to complete your coding work for CS courses. That won’t work well for this class because we will often be working with data visualizations that will only work when we run our programs locally. You should make sure that you configure a local environment with the necessary libraries.

The easiest way to set up the Python packages necessary for this course is to use Anaconda. Download the installer and follow the instructions.

Once Anaconda is installed, you’ll need to install several additional Python packages. Under Windows, you’ll need to launch the Anaconda Prompt from the Windows start menu. Under Linux or OSX, you should be able to execute the following commands from the terminal. In both cases, make sure that the Anaconda environment is active before you execute the commands. This getting started with conda page has some information on using the conda command-line tool.

Python Editors

You are free to use whatever Python editor you prefer. The Anaconda environment comes pre-installed with Spyder. Which can be launched from the navigator, or by typing spyder in the conda terminal.