If you want to take advantage of the gpu-enabled workstations in the JMU CS labs, you can connect to the lab machine with port forwarding:
ssh -L 16006: EID@LAB_COMPUTER_ID.cs.jmu.edu
You can do this from off campus as well:
ssh -L 16006: -J EID@stu.cs.jmu.edu EID@LAB_COMPUTER_ID.cs.jmu.edu
Possible lab computers are L25001
trough L25030
Once you are logged in, it can be handy to access multiple
terminals on the remote machine without logging in multiple times.
The tmux
tool (terminal
multiplexer) makes this possible. Once you have activated tmux
Ctrl-b c creates a new window and Ctrl-b n moves to the
next window.
To activate the correct Anaconda environment:
source /cs/shr/cs445/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda activate gpu
To activate tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir LOGS_PATH --port 6006
Now can view tensorboard on your local browser at