The purpose of this programming assignment is to work through all of the steps of creating a ROS package using Python. This project will not require the use of the Turtlebots, so you should be able to complete it outside of the robotics lab.
The goal of your project will be to create a Python node that is able to navigate a simulated 2D turtle to a designated goal location.
The simulated robot you'll be working with for this project is Skibot. Skibot is very similar to turtlesim, with the key difference that the Skibot turtle has a physics-based motion model. Instead of directly setting the velocity of the turtle using geometry_msgs/Twist messages, you will apply forces using geometry_msgs/Wrench messages.
Your first step for this project is to clone the Skibot repository
Github (
Once you have cloned the package, you will need to place it in your
, and build it using catkin_make
Skibot depends on Pygame, so you may need to install Pygame if it
isn't already available on your system. Make sure you can interact
with the simulator from the command line before starting work on
your code.
Follow the steps from the ROS
Packages Lab to create a repository and package for this
assignment. Your package should be named skibot_nav
it should depend
on geometry_msgs
, skibot
, rospy
and std_msgs
Create a Python file named
that moves
the skibot in a smooth trajectory to a designated goal location.
Ultimately, the goal location will be provided through the mechanism
of ROS services, but to get started you can just hard-code a goal
location in your Python code. You should be able to test your node by
starting the skibot_node
node, then
If your code is correct, and your package is configured correctly, you should be able to type:
rosrun skibot_nav skibot_nav_node.pyand watch your skibot merrily navigate to the goal.
The next step is to provide a mechanism for communicating goal
locations to the skibot_nav
node. We will accomplish
this by converting the node you developed above into
a ROS service provider.
Your modified node must meet the following requirements:
. Note that navigation is only considered
successful if the robot stops at the goal. Sliding over the goal is
not sufficient.False
. Locations are
unreachable in the skibot simulation if they have x or y coordinates
less than zero or greater than 4.0.The following tutorials will be helpful in completing this portion of the assignment:
Once your service is running, you should be able to test it by making calls from the terminal:
$ rosservice call /move_skibot_to_point "goal_x: 3.0 goal_y: 2.0" success: True $ rosservice call /move_skibot_to_point "goal_x: 3.0 goal_y: 25.0" success: False
I've also written a mouse-based ROS service client that you can use for testing:
Create a launch file named skibot_nav.launch
that handles starting
the skibot node and the navigation service node. I should be able
to test your code by typing:
roslaunch skibot_nav skibot_nav.launchin the terminal, and then start making service requests.
Submit by creating a release on Github with the tag "1.0.0" and the title "submission". Your submission will be graded on the basis of functionality, code-quality, documentatation, and adherence to ROS packaging standards.