Create a ROS Python node named
. Your node
should move the Turtlebot directly forward at a fixed, constant rate
of .2 meters per second. (This node will need a publisher object, but
it won't need any subscribers.)
Use either the Gazebo simulator or a Turtlebot to test your finished node.
Make a copy of the node you completed above
. Modify this file so that it stops
forward motion whenever the bumper is depressed. Forward motion
should resume when the bumper is released.
Use either the Gazebo simulator or a Turtlebot to test your finished node.
Create a new node named
that subscribes to
the /scan
topic. Instead of waiting until the Turtlebot
actually bumps into something, this node should halt forward progress
as soon as an object is observed less than one meter in front of the
Note that the data stored in a LaserScan
message will
contain NaN
readings if obstacles are too close to the
sensor. You can check for NaN
values using
the math.isnan
If you have time, modify your wander node so that it rotates to avoid looming obstacles. Your finished node should be able to wander around while avoiding obstacles in the robot's path.
Canvas. Make sure that your submission contains the names of all
group members.