Turtlebot Programming
- Start the Turtlebot simulator by following the steps from
the previous lab.
- Download either approach.py or approach_oo.py .
Execute the file by typing:
python approach.py
python approach_oo.py
inside the directory that contains the file. If all is well, the
simulated robot should approach the wall in front of it.
Make a copy of your file named
and open it in your favorite text editor. (If you use gedit, make
sure to configure it to insert spaces instead of tabs:
Edit->Preferences->Editor-> Tab width 4, Insert spaces instead of
Modify the resulting file so that it allows the Turtlebot to wander
around without colliding with obstacles. Feel free to use any
strategy you like, but I suggest the following algorithm as a simple
starting point:
- Move forward until the distance to the nearest obstacle is too
- Move a few inches backward, then turn a few degrees to the
- Repeat.
The Python time
module can be used to determine the current system time in seconds:
import time
time.time() # returns current time.
This may be helpful in writing code that allows the robot to execute
some operation for a fixed amount of time. For example: moving
backward for exactly .4 seconds.
Test and debug your program until it works to your satisfaction
Testing on a Real Robot
Command-Line ROS