The purpose of this lab is to gain experience working with the Python bindings for OpenCV.
$ python cv_demo.pyNote that this file is not a ROS node. This is pure python code that can be executed without starting ROS.
according to the docstring. You should complete this function by
creating a nested for loop to access all pixels in the image. Note
that you will probably need to convert the pixel values to integers.
They are stored in the image as 8-bit unsigned integers. Performing
arithmetic on 8-bit unsigned integers will always result in 8-bit
unsigned integers.
according to the docstring. You should complete this function without
any loops by applying OpenCV operations. The completed function should
be much faster than the previous version.
This is a special subscriber class for approximately synchronizing the Kinect topics.
This provides utility functions for extracting information from PointCloud2 messages.
This is a node that demonstrates subscribing and publishing to image topics in ROS.
This node demonstrates working with PointCloud data in ROS.
Copy your find_reddest_pixel_fast
into that file.
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/red_marked_image
Copy your find_reddest_pixel_fast
into that file.
Copy your completed version of into the src folder of the vision_demo package. Submit your completed vision_demo package using subversion.