
The purpose of this assignment is to get comfortable writing ROS code to control the Turtlebot.


For this project you will create a ROS package named "approach" that will contain code to move the robot so that it maintains a desired distance to the nearest object in front of it.

Your package must contain a python-based ROS node named approach that meets the following specifications:

You must also create two launch files:

I should be able to test your submitted code by checking it out and running
roslaunch approach approach.launch
roslaunch approach approach_plot.launch
Your launch file does not need to bring up the Turtlebot. You may assume that minimal.launch has already been run.

I'm providing the following code to get you started:

Submitting and Grading (MODIFIED 1/28)

You will submit this project the same way you submitted Lab3. I will checkout your code as follows:

 $ svn checkout https://svn.cs.jmu.edu/spragunr/GROUP/submit/approach/ cs480_ws/approach


This is based on a project originally designed by Bill Smart at Washington University in St. Louis.