Creating Packages and Subversion
- Log into the Turtlebot and bring up a wireless connection. You
will need to change the Authentication setting to "Protected EAP
(PEAP)". When the box appears complaining that "No Certificate
Authority certificate chosen", click "Ignore".
- Once the wireless connection is established, double click the
launcher labeled "Init Ros Workspace". You should enter your eid at
the "Enter user ID:" prompt. Your repository name is a three letter
acronym made up of the first letters of the of the last names of all
group members in alphabetical order. You probably shouldn't let
subversion store your password.
The previous step checked your repository out
. If you cd into that directory, you will
find that there is nothing there. If you type
svn status
In that directory, you should get no response. That's good! That
tells you that the contents of the directory (empty) match the
repository version (empty).
Work through the steps for
the Creating
a ROS Package
and Building
a ROS Package tutorials.
Don't create your package in ~/fuerte_workspace/sandbox
. Put it in ~/cs480_ws/
- Once you have finished these tutorials, I suggest that you
into your package directory and type:
make clean
This will clear out temporary files that were created during the build process.
At this point, running
svn status
in ~/cs480_ws/
should look like the following:
$ svn status
? beginner_tutorials
This tells you that the beginner_tutorials
folder is not yet in the repository. You can add it to the repository by running the following commands from ~/cs480_ws/
$ svn add beginner_tutorials
$ svn commit .
- After the commit has finished, log out of the netbook. Then let
another group member log in and confirm that they can check out the
Creating Python Nodes
13. Don't forget to commit your code to the repository after you finish working with it.
Starting PA1
Create a new package named
. This package should
depend on:
rospy, std_msgs, sensor_msgs
, and rqt_plot
Create a node in this packages that moves the Turtlebot slowly
forward until the bumper makes contact with an obstacle. Your node
should subscribe to the
and should publish to
the topic /mobile_base/commands/velocity
Don't forget to commit your code to the repository before logging out.