Account Configuration

Some configuration steps must be completed before it will be possible to execute ROS terminal commands. In particular, the following two commands must be executed in the terminal window:

export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=kinect
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash

The first command sets a shell variable indicating that our Turtlebots are using the Kinect depth sensor. (There are several other sensors available.) The second command executes a ROS shell script that configures the terminal session for ROS. Most importantly, it updates the PATH variable so that you will be able to execute ROS commands.

You could execute these two commands every time you open a new terminal. It will be more convenient to modify your .bashrc file so that these commands are executed automatically. This can be accomplished by downloading the following script The script can be executed as follows:

chmod +x

The first line make the script executable and the second line runs it.

Turtlebot Simulation

Robot Teleoperation (If Time)