- Log into a lab computer as "student" with no password.
- Open a terminal window and type the following:
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
This should bring up the Turtlebot simulator. Use TAB completion to avoid
typing each individual character.
- The left mouse button pans the camera, the right mouse button
zooms the camera, and pressing both buttons allows you to rotate the
- Type the following command into a new terminal window (or tab):
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
Confirm that you can drive the simulated Turtlebot using the keyboard controls.
- Type the following command into a new terminal window (or tab):
roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch
Select the check-boxes associated with "LaserScan" and "Images". You
should see a yellow exclamation point appear next to the "Image"
field, you can fix that by clicking on the triangle and selecting
as the image topic. Zoom the camera
out (using the mouse scroll wheel) until you can see the visualization
of the laser data. Try driving the robot around once again using
keyboard teleoperation.
Once you are finished, press CTRL-C in the teleop terminal.
This is the universal command to stop ROS processes in the